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DeSantis campaign makes a stupid mistake in New Hampshire



How did this goof-up happen? The DeSantis campaign has been doing well with their ground game in New Hampshire. They are knocking on doors, passing out campaign literature, talking to voters about the candidate, all things that grassroots activists do. What makes it particularly impressive is that the campaign appears to be very organized and focused on getting endorsements from local officials and state politicians – the elected officials closest to the people. And, it’s early yet.

So, as the campaign is off to a good start and hope is still alive that DeSantis can make headway into Trump’s lead in the state, a major blunder happens. Today both Trump and DeSantis will be in New Hampshire. Unfortunately, the DeSantis campaign is holding an event the same time as Trump. Normally, one might say, “So?” But, in this case, the dueling events include one with the New Hampshire Federation of Republican Women.

Let me say upfront – I know about Federation of Republican Women organizations. Intimately. During my time as a Republican activist in Houston and Harris County, I was a member of the Texas Federation of Republican Women and even held a position with the group. I was the district director for my congressional district. I was a member of a Republican Women’s club for many years, held offices in the club, including president, and most Republican Women’s clubs are members of their state’s Federation of Republican Women. A state’s Federation of Republican Women is usually the premiere grassroots organization. The women are organized and work hard to get Republicans elected. Most politicians running for office, whether on a local, state, or national level know this to be true. The candidate may not know but usually they have staffers or advisers who know. Candidates reach out and establish relationships with these women, if they want to win.

When I saw this story, I was surprised. Trump knows the importance of Republican Women. He is the featured speaker today at the New Hampshire Federation of Republican Women’s annual fundraiser, the Lilac Luncheon. The ladies asked the DeSantis campaign to re-schedule. No dice.

The DeSantis campaign pointed out that their event is in a different part of the state and the Federation of Republican Women’s event is sold-out.

The people in New Hampshire are proud of their traditions. They are proud to be the First in the Nation when primaries roll around. They take politics seriously, expecting presidential candidates to make many visits to the state and visit one-on-one with the voters. The ladies have been doing their thing for many years, according to their response to the conflicting events, and they feel as though proper respect was not given.

“It has always been a New Hampshire hallmark to be considerate when scheduling events,” the group’s events director, Christine Peters, said in a statement. “To have a candidate come in and distract from the most special event [the women’s group] holds in the year is unprecedented.”

The DeSantis campaign dismissed the complaint.

DeSantis world was quick to dismiss the group’s complaints, saying their event shouldn’t be a distraction since it’s in a different part of the state and at a different time than when Trump is speaking, and that the federation’s soiree is already sold out. They noted that two of the group’s members resigned over the statement targeting DeSantis, with the PAC blasting out their tweets. One of them, Kate Day, the now-former public relations chair, told POLITICO the federation erred when it “broke its neutrality in criticizing” DeSantis.

There are rules in Republican Women’s clubs and the state Federation of Republican Women’s organizations. During a Republican primary, the clubs are not to endorse one Republican candidate over another. Clubs are to remain neutral until the general election. In this case, it is a former president who was asked to be the featured speaker – the person who would be a draw to sell tickets. But, the former president is also a candidate so I can see why some of the members who support DeSantis were angered.

Nonetheless, this was a dumb mistake that could have easily been avoided. It’s a fight that didn’t have to be picked at this time. It gives opponents of DeSantis fodder with which to attack him.

“If there’s one thing you don’t do in New Hampshire, it’s piss off the grassroots women,” said an adviser to a rival candidate granted anonymity to speak freely. “Don’t mess with them, they remember everything. Rookie move.”

Can DeSantis recover? Of course he can. There is plenty of time. I still think he can win over New Hampshire voters and make a good showing in the New Hampshire primary. Trump may win it, as he did in 2016, but DeSantis can come in a close second if the stars align for him. As of now, Chris Christie is placing third in New Hampshire polls and is counting on doing well enough there to slow Trump’s path to the nomination. Trump’s campaign is surprisingly well-organized in New Hampshire, according to reports. Both he and Christie have past experience to rely on there.

I agree with one Republican strategist who spoke about the mistake.

“It’s the worst strategic move he has exhibited thus far,” New Hampshire-based Republican strategist Mike Dennehy said. “It’s just stupid, actually. You don’t take on the New Hampshire Federation of Republican Women.”

He added, “If he doesn’t turn it around, it could be death by a thousand cuts.”

Republican Women organizations at the state and local levels deserve the respect they receive. They work hard, all unpaid voluntary positions, and many also are employed in the the real world, the non-political world. Their work takes them away from their families as they serve their communities through political activities.

As I said, DeSantis can recover. He needs to reach out and make amends. They will welcome him. And, if he turns out to be the nominee, they will work hard for him in the general election. Wise up, Team DeSantis. Get your candidate out there and let him work with the New Hampshire Republican Women.

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