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Poll: Nearly Half of Independent Voters Reject Both GOP and Democrat Approaches to Abortion
Nearly half of independent voters reject how both Republicans and Democrats handle the issue of abortion, a new NewsNation Decision Desk HQ poll found.
When poll respondents were asked, “Which political party would you say is best suited to handle issues around the regulation of abortion,” 47.9 percent of independent voters said, “Neither the Republican nor Democratic Party.” Nearly ten percent of independents said they were “not sure,” while 11.9 percent said the GOP, and 24.9 percent said the Democrat Party.
Out of overall poll participants, 30.1 percent said they think Republicans are best suited to handle the regulation of abortion, and 37.06 percent said the same of Democrats. Nearly 25 percent agree with independents that “neither the Republican nor Democratic party” have a grip on the issue, and six percent were “not sure.”
Nearly 68 percent of Republicans trust their own party to handle the issue. Likewise, Democrat voters prefer the methods of their own party at 80 percent.
The survey also asked respondents, “Which of the following best describes your thoughts about how the Republican Party is handling the issue of abortion?” Nearly 20 percent of independents said they are “not sure,” and 56.6 percent said, “the Republican party is doing too much to restrict abortion.”
A little more than 17 percent of independents said “the Republican party is taking the right approach on abortion,” and 6.4 percent said it is “doing too little to restrict abortion.”
Out of overall respondents, 52.94 percent said Republicans are “doing too much to restrict abortion,” 25.3 percent said they are taking the right approach on abortion, 7.15 percent said they are doing too little, and 14.61 percent said they are “not sure.”
Interestingly, nearly three in ten Republican voters agree that their party is “doing too much to restrict abortion.” That sentiment is shared, unsurprisingly, by 75.3 percent of Democrats.
The survey was released on Monday and conducted with 3,200 registered voters on November 26 and 27. The margin of error is ±1.69 percentage points for the first question and ±1.75 percentage points for the second question.
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