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Analysis Discovers 8,241-Vote Discrepancy Between Voters Listed as Voting and Number of Ballots Counted in Arizona – Nearly 30 TIMES Margin of Victory in Abe Hamadeh’s Race



A new report from the America First Policy Institute finds a potential 8,241 vote discrepancy between the total ballots counted and the number of registered voters who voted in Arizona’s 2022 election.

This is a huge discrepancy considering that Abe Hamadeh allegedly lost his race for Attorney General by just 280 votes. This also makes up about half of Kari Lake’s reported loss by just over 17,000 votes.

Both are still fighting lawsuits challenging the results of their fraudulent election. A recent trial in Lake’s lawsuit exposed Maricopa County’s fraudulent mail-in ballot signature verification standards, but the weak judge dismissed her case. Kari Lake announced she will appeal the ruling and take her case all the way to the United States Supreme Court if necessary.

Abe Hamadeh’s Motion for New Trial is still under advisement following a hearing last month. Hamadeh’s race was decided by 280 votes after a “significant miscount” of hundreds of votes was discovered in rural Pinal County’s recount results. This newly discovered evidence was “intentionally withheld” by Katie Hobbs and justifies a new trial, argued Hamadeh’s attorney Jen Wright. Additionally, Wright told the court, “Maricopa did not provide provisional ballot information until after trial, information that had it been timely provided, we would have been able to address those problems we found at trial.”

Abe’s team has obtained hundreds of declarations from voters whose ballots were improperly rejected on election day.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Hamadeh’s attorneys requested a scheduling conference due to the delay from the Mohave County Superior Court.

JUST-IN: Abe Hamadeh’s Attorneys File New Request for Scheduling Conference as 60-Day Deadline for Ruling on Motion For New Trial Approaches

Abe shared the latest report on Twitter, highlighting the newly discovered discrepancy that equals 30 times the margin of victory in his race.

The America First Policy Institute investigated reports of vote discrepancies in Arizona’s four most populous counties, Maricopa, Pima, Pinal, and Yavapai, and “smaller populations in tribal communities, such as Apache and Coconino.”

Requests were made for 2022 voter data, including Voter ID, Voter name, Registration status (i.e., Active/Canceled/Other), Registered address (City, Zip Code, County), Precinct, Voted in 2022 GE (Yes/No), and this data was cross-referenced with the number of ballots counted in Arizona.

Read the full report here.

The findings are as follows,

  • Following reports from other states regarding vote discrepancies, an analysis was conducted of the total number of ballots counted in the 2022 Arizona general election compared to the number of registered voters.
  • A potential 8,241-vote discrepancy was discovered between the total number of registered voters listed as voting and the total number of ballots counted in the 2022 Arizona general election, about 29.4 times the 280-vote difference in the attorney general race.
  • The results indicate that there were either more votes counted than registered voters who voted in the 2022 Arizona general election or that Arizona counties have failed to keep accurate records of who voted in the election. Either way, this study has discovered a concerning issue.

The tables below chart the findings of discrepancies between ballots counted and registered voters, as well as revised numbers after considering the counties’ explanations for discrepancies.

After six months of persistence with these Arizona counties (full correspondence in Appendix A), the precinct-level data for the six Arizona counties was received in full. Analysis showed some precincts where there were more ballots being counted than there were registered voters listed as casting ballots and some precincts where the reverse occurred.[2] Across these counties, 6,057 more ballots were recorded as cast than there were registered voters listed as voting. In precincts where the reverse was true, 2,184 more registered voters were listed as voting than ballots shown as counted (Table 1). That results in an 8,241-vote discrepancy, or 0.36% of the total ballots counted. Some may say this is just a small discrepancy, but 0.36% amounts to 29.4 times the 280-vote difference in the Arizona attorney general race.

Table 1: Discrepancy by Precinct between Total Ballots Counted and Registered Voters Listed as Voting
County Total Discrepancies Total Ballots Counted > Total Registered Voters Listed As Voting Total Registered Voters Listed As Voting > Total Ballots Counted Discrepancy As A Percent Of Total Ballots Counted
Apache 429 125 304 1.59%
Coconino 314 271 43 0.57%
Maricopa 2,864 2,625 239 0.18%
Pima 1,691 1,288 403 0.42%
Pinal 2,804 1,630 1,174 1.93%
Yavapai 139 118 21 0.11%
Total 8,241 6,057 2,184 0.36%










The finding of discrepancy alone isn’t the end of the story. There are three possible explanations for the discrepancy.

First, some voters, due to safety concerns (i.e., policemen, firemen, public servants, or individuals in witness protection programs), need to conceal their personal information due to threats or other concerns. As a result, their identity, including name and address, is hidden. These individuals are considered “secured” or “protected” voters; states and localities often use different terminology for these voters, so for the sake of this report, we refer to them as “secured voters.” Across these six counties, according to the county election officials, there were 4,078 “secured voters that voted in the 2022 general election.” By subtracting the secured voters (we excluded Maricopa County), this still leaves a total discrepancy of 4,187 (Table 2). That is a conservative estimate and does not include the numbers for Maricopa County due to their number of 2,888 secured voters, which is 37 votes larger than their discrepancy gap of 2,864 (See Table 2).

Second, we also learned from Yavapai County’s Registrar of Voters Office that the discrepancy might arise for another reason. They explained:

“If a voter checks in on Election Day but walks out with their ballot (does not put it in the ballot box), they will be listed as voted because they signed the register but there will not be a ballot to tabulate. I do not think this is common, but we do get reports of this happening from poll workers.”

Even if every instance of a precinct having more registered voters than ballots counted is a result of this occurrence, the reverse scenario (of more ballots counted than registered voters) still leaves 2,242 unexplained discrepancies outside of Maricopa County after taking into account the secured voters whose identities were masked; that is still eight times the 280-vote margin in the attorney general race.[3]

Third, the data we received on who voted in the November 8, 2022, election may not be accurate. Even though we requested the list of who voted on that day and the federal Civil Rights Act of 1960 requires counties to preserve those records for 22 months, many counties immediately start updating their list of voters after the election and save over their original files. Only two counties, Pima and Pinal, warned us that this might account for part of their discrepancies.

But even if the entire discrepancies in Pima and Pinal were due to not having an accurate list of who voted in the election, it would still leave a discrepancy of 688 votes (see Table 2, column 5). For column 6 in Table 2, that would mean a gap of 320. Again, these numbers are based on several conservative assumptions, but both are still larger than the 280-vote difference in the attorney general race.

Table 2: Discrepancies that can be explained by Secured Voters
County Total Discrepancies Total Ballots Counted > Total Registered Voters Listed As Voting Secured Voters Who Voted Total Discrepancies – Secured Voters Column 3 – Secured Voters Who Voted
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Apache 429 125 0 429 125
Coconino 314 271 89 225 182
Maricopa 2,864 2,625 2,888 -37 -263
Pima 1,691 1,288 909 782 379
Pinal 2,804 1,630 87 2717 1543
Yavapai 139 118 105 34 13
Total 8,241 6,057 4,078 4,187
(Excludes Maricopa County)
(Excludes Maricopa County)












The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on Arizona’s fraudulent 2022 election.


Read the full article here
