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WATCH: Brave Armed Citizen Guns Down Would-Be Mass Shooter In Las Vegas – Legal Analyst Reveals How Local Officials and Police Are Hiding the Truth from the Public



Credit: @DonutOperator

A brave armed employee discharged his firearm to stop a mass shooting in Las Vegas on Friday, saving countless lives. But local government officials are covering up this vigilant citizen’s heroic action for unspecified reasons.

As KTNV reported, an active shooter entered the Turnberry Towers and started firing off shots toward the front desk. A witness said the shooter was wearing a helmet and had an AR-15 and other weapons in his possession when he made entry.

It was at that moment the would-be assassin got an unexpected surprise: an armed employee. The unidentified law-abiding citizen drew on the shooter and caused him to flee by shooting out the inner glass.

The employee, who has not been identified, drew on the would-be mass murderer, causing him to flee by shooting out the inner glass. Right before the shooter reaches the outer door to escape into the street and potentially gun down other people, he collapses after taking several bullets in the back as noted by


It seems a bit miraculous the would-be mass murderer was able to survive the onslaught though it’s quite possible he was wearing body armor underneath his shirt.

Instead of celebrating the employee’s heroic actions, local officials and police refused to confirm that an armed citizen stopped a mass shooting and instead embarked on a scheme to hide the truth from the public.

Here is a thread from Amy Swearer, a legal fellow from the Daily Signal, detailing the local officials and the Las Vegas Police Department’s inexcusable actions:

There are many theories regarding why the LVPD would not want the public to know the full truth. One possibility as noted by is the Las Vegas District Attorney, who is a Democrat, might charge the heroic citizen with a crime because he shot the gunman in the back.

There is nothing more humiliating to the left and some police than an armed citizen proving that their gun control beliefs are total garbage. It would not be a bad idea for the hero to obtain legal counsel as a precautionary measure.

Read the full article here
