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Don Lemon Comments on His Firing by CNN and Proves That He’s Still Completely Clueless (VIDEO)



Don Lemon was fired by CNN in April, but some comments he made during a recent interview show that he is still in complete denial about his work and himself.

Lemon was speaking to a reporter for ABC News in Memphis, and he explained that he is just too darned committed to the truth and the Constitution. Yes, really.

Self awareness was never one of Lemon’s strong points.

RedState has details:

Don Lemon’s New Remarks About His CNN Firing Are Hilarious

Former CNN host Don Lemon got booted from the network in April after his continuing controversies were just too much for then-CEO Chris Licht.

But now, Lemon is talking about his firing, and what he’s saying about it is pretty funny.

What was the problem, according to him?

Lemon spoke to a local ABC station in Memphis, Tennessee, where he went to speak to the Memphis chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). According to Lemon, his problem is that he’s too truthful and trying to fulfill the promise of the Constitution. Yes, hard to believe, but he had the gall to say that.

I have a responsibility — not only as a journalist but as an American — to tell the truth and to abide by the promises of the Constitution. Because the Constitution says a more perfect union, not a perfect union. I’m not a perfect person. No one is…In order to fulfill the promise of the Constitution, we have to stand up for what is right. We have to stand up for the truth.

Watch the whole video below or skip to the 1:35 mark:

See? He’s just totally committed to the truth and the Constitution.

In hindsight, it’s amazing that Lemon lasted for as long he did. He manages to make some of his former colleagues seem truthful and intelligent by comparison.

Read the full article here
