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NBC Poll: 74% of Voters Are “Deeply Dissatisfied” and Say Nation is On the Wrong Track (VIDEO)



A new NBC poll shows the overwhelming majority of voters say the nation is on the wrong track.

Of course, NBC’s Chuck Todd had to attack Trump even though Joe Biden and the Democrats are the ones who are destroying the country.

74% say the US is on the wrong track and 53% disapprove of Joe Biden.

“We have had this sustained period of about 70% for a year now. The last two periods in the history of this poll that we’ve had this kind of sustained negativity about the direction of the country was before the ’92 election and before the 2008 election – both of those changed the party controlling the White House,” Chuck Todd said.

“68% of voters, including 43% of Democrats – which is TWICE what it was in 2020, say they are concerned that Biden does not have the necessary mental and physical health to be president,” Chuck Todd said.


Read the full article here
