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Schweizer: In Hunter’s Business Deals, the Product Was Joe Biden



Breitbart News senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute’s Peter Schweizer said on this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that Hunter Biden was selling access to his father, Joe Biden.

Schweizer said, “As it relates to that sort of shakedown phone call with Henry Zhao that we alluded to, Henry Zhao in 2015 had already sent $5 million to the Bidens. He was the head of a Harvest Investment firm. And what’s interesting is in the correspondence there, Hunter Biden again talks to Zhao in the context of this is a deal that’s important to my family involving his father. Let’s also keep in mind. We fixate on the criminal element of this, we also have to focus on the espionage element of this. Henry Zhao paid $5 million to Hunter Biden from an account that was parking lot of a company that he co-owned with the family of the minister of state security of China who’s in charge of the entire spy apparatus. And you see that in every deal that Hunter Biden did in China. These individuals that are sending him money have ties to Chinese intelligence.”

Host Maria Bartiromo said, “The bulk of it, though, Peter, all this money that the Biden family has taken in, for what? What’s their business?”

Schweizer said,  “The product was Joe Biden.”

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