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Leftists Furious After NHL Ditches “Pride” Jerseys Labeled A “Distraction”



National Hockey League (NHL) Commissioner Gary Bettman told a reporter Thursday the league’s LGBT “pride” warm-up jerseys will no longer be worn as they’ve “become a distraction” for players and other employees.

In fact, the league is not allowing any specialty jerseys to be worn in warm-ups, not just LGBT uniforms.

Bettman explained, “I’ve suggested that it would be appropriate for clubs not to change their jerseys in warm-ups because it’s become a distraction and taking away from the fact that all of our clubs in some form or another host nights in honor of various groups or causes. And we rather them continue to get the appropriate attention that they deserve and not be a distraction.”

Deranged far-left Canadian news anchor Sid Seixeiro expressed his outrage with the hockey league’s decision, saying, “I’m still trying to process this,” and calling the commissioner’s move “cowardly.”

“To do this in pride month is actually stunning,” he said, feverishly claiming “homophobia and transphobia are running rampant” in the NHL.

The decision infuriated many liberals, some venting their frustrations online.

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