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Covid Jab Shill Peter Hotez Attacks Alex Jones, Claims He Never Took Money from Big Pharma



Vaccine scientist Dr. Peter Hotez took aim at Alex Jones Thursday, taking issue with Infowars’ characterization of him as a “globalist gremlin,” while falsely claiming he doesn’t take money from Big Pharma.

Portraying himself as a victim of Jones, Hotez claimed an Infowars headline misrepresented his innocent vaccine profession, complaining it added to the negative criticism he’s received since refusing Joe Rogan’s offer to debate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

“[It was] Just [a] matter of time before InfoWars/Alex Jones joined the party,” Hotez tweeted, adding, “‘Big Pharma Globalist Gremlin’ quite a mouthful.”

Hotez went on to insist he has no ties to Big Pharma, saying, “Never mind we don’t take BigPharma money but make low-cost patent-free vaccines for global health bypassing BigPharma. And 1 billion people awakened? Impressive.”

However, throughout his work at various institutes, colleges, and hospitals, the squirrelly vaccine pusher has a long history of receiving federal funding for vaccine research in Africa and other regions, as well as grants from Big Pharma-linked entities like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Hotez’s claim he’s not funded by Big Pharma is contradicted by the tax-exempt grants he receives from philanthropic groups and the NIH, which holds vaccine patents. Thus, for Hotez to deny receiving Big Pharma funding while obtaining it directly from the source is a significant lie.

He was also instrumental in promoting the Covid jab and its subsequent booster jabs and was a fierce proponent of lockdowns.

Hotez’s attempt to victimize himself follows his refusal to accept Joe Rogan’s invitation for a vaccine debate with Democrat presidential candidate RFK Jr., which included a $100,000 donation to a charity of Hotez’s choosing.

The charity pot has since reportedly exceeded $2.6 million.

While the corporate press defends Hotez from mean anti-vax “bullies,” it’s clear the doctor doesn’t want to debate because he can’t defend his ideas and doesn’t want to confront the fact the vaccines he’s helped produce have maimed or killed scores of innocent people.

Watch the video with the headline that triggered Hotez!

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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Read the full article here
