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Former Cast Member of MTV’s ‘TRANSformation’ Details How Gender Transition Ruined Her Life



A young girl whose transgender journey was highlighted on MTV’s “Transformation” documentary has released a video expressing her regrets about her transition.

The 2016 mini-documentary reportedly made “Milo,” at the time 16, a poster child of the transgender movement which at the time was still relatively new in society.

Now, 7 years after filming, Milo says her gender transition “turned out to be a big mistake.”

“I keep thinking about how, if I ever want to be perceived by society as a woman, I now have to do vocal training, and I need laser to get rid of my facial hair. But I’m just so tired,” she said in a video recently posted to YouTube.

Amid the show Milo had begun taking testosterone and changing her sex on official forms, saying, “I cannot imagine living my life as female,” and that she felt “invincible.”

At the time she claimed she got an “amazing feeling of relief…thinking that [I] never have to do anything feminine again for the rest of my life.”

Following the documentary, Milo received “top surgery” removing her C-cup breasts.

She also received a hysterectomy, removing part of her uterus, after testosterone treatments began to atrophy her vagina, and later lost an ovary after it twisted and ruptured.

“I kind of just didn’t care about my reproductive organs,” Milo admitted in the latest video.

“In my head, I thought: ‘I don’t need these organs because I’m a man,’” she added.

Seven years later, Milo says she’s “ashamed” of and “can’t bear to watch” her appearance in the MTV documentary, and has stopped taking testosterone.

More on Milo’s regrets and what initially sparked her gender transition from The Daily Mail:

She complains about mood swings, her receding hairline, deeper voice, chubby features, and hairy belly that needs regular shaving.

‘I’m a lot fatter and uglier than I used to be,’ she said.

Milo looks back and accounts for her teenage mistake. 

She says she was vulnerable, autistic, shy and socially awkward — all hallmarks of adolescent girls who come out as trans.

‘I had these huge breasts,’ she said.

‘I just hated how I was seen. I didn’t like how I was looked at by boys. It made me very self-conscious.’

She found radical gender ideology online and came to believe her boyishness was really gender dysphoria.

Doctors and therapists affirmed the change with hormones ‘fast’ and ‘easily,’ she said. 

‘What I’ve done to my appearance and my body has almost been a survival tactic or a form of protection against unwanted attention from men,’ she said. 

Shortly after publishing her testimonial on YouTube Milo removed her video claiming she didn’t expect it to go so viral; however, as pointed out by fellow de-transitioner Oli London, it’s likely Milo buckled under pressure from the trans mob which bullies defectors who speak out against the woke gender cult.

The young girl’s sad story should serve as a cautionary tale, raising awareness among parents and individuals questioning their gender, regarding the potential risks associated with irreversible gender reassignment surgeries and procedures.

Below is the MTV documentary featuring Milo. The video has been cued up to play at Milo’s first appearance.

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