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She’s a liar



The Human Rights Campaign is a far-left activist organization, currently led by a woman named Kelley Robinson.

The Human Rights Campaign website describes her:

Kelley Robinson is the ninth president of the Human Rights Campaign — the first Black, Queer woman to lead the organization. The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality and liberation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. Robinson — widely respected for her work over the last 15 years creating and leading winning campaigns and programs — steps into her new role at HRC after serving as Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Action Fund. From community organizer to progressive leader, Robinson has been at the forefront in the fight for bodily autonomy and racial and gender equity, with a focus on lifting up marginalized communities and building political power.

Why a “queer” woman is so passionate about abortion is a bit of a mystery to me, but perhaps she is just a passionate left-winger who liked the idea of distributing money (action fund means political action committee) to left-wing politicians. It’s not like getting pregnant would be top of her mind otherwise.

Kelley is clearly a committed activist, as is demonstrated by her complete willingness to lie with a straight face to Congress, especially given the fact that the lie was so obvious that it could be refuted by half the audience without even bothering to look up the facts.


The argument that men and women are not dramatically different in physical performance is a necessary one for the alphabet ideology, given their insistence that there is not really an underlying biological difference between the sexes. We often hear the argument that “trans women are women,” and it is that claim that undergirds the demand that men who identify as women must be allowed to participate in women’s sports.

That position, by the way, has been adopted by the Biden Administration, which is trying to use Title IX funds to force schools to include men in women’s sports or risk losing any federal funding.

It is a bizarre argument on its face, because it contradicts everything we know both through scientific inquiry and through our own experience. Men and women are obviously physically different in capability. It’s not that the normal curves don’t have significant overlap–millions of women could undoubtedly outperform me in sports or even in fighting ability, but I am a flabby old man.

But when you are talking about people who compete in sports at a high level? The normal curves overlap much less. Top-performing men will almost always outperform top-performing women.

The example above–both of the Williams sisters, who were the top tennis players in the world in the women’s category can’t beat a man who is ranked below 200 in the men’s.

Even a 14-year-old teenage boys’ team can beat the women’s USA National Soccer Team 5-2. High School boys who are ranked…actually, they aren’t ranked at all!–can beat the best women soccer players in the United States. High school track athletes in the male category routinely beat world records set by women. It’s just a fact that boys are more athletically gifted in general than women.

This is not a knock on women. No human being can outrun a cheetah. Do we look down on men because of this? The categories are just different and should be judged differently.

This reality must be denied by people pushing the alphabet ideology, who for some reason believe that fully intact men should parade around naked in girls’ locker rooms. And the only way to accomplish that goal is to deny any physical differences between the sexes.

That Kelley Robinson has the gall to go before Congress and tell an obvious, irrefutable lie tells you a lot. That the Democrats sitting there just nod their heads tells you even more.

Jeff Cleghorn, a recipient of an award from the Human Rights Campaign himself, is currently battling the insanity of alphabet ideology. I did a profile of him a couple of weeks ago.

Reality, for them, is merely an inconvenience. Saying something is sufficient to make it true, as long as you are a Leftist. You can trust nothing they say not because they always lie, but because they cannot tell the difference between truths and falsehoods, or at least don’t care.

There really is no way to reason with these people because they simply deny the validity of reason itself.

Read the full article here
