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Slew of Sex Attacks, Brawls at German Swimming Pools



Sex attacks and mass brawls unfolded at swimming pools across Germany over the past few days as ‘teens’ and young men, many of foreign origin, wreak havoc during the summer bathing season, according to reports.

On Tuesday evening, three underage girls were sexually assaulted at an aquatic facility in Kandel, a town in Rhineland-Palatinate state near the French border.

A 21-year-old man was arrested at the scene but authorities refused to released any further details about the suspect, the Pfalz-Express reports.

Police were called to handle a “similar incident” at a pool in nearby Landau, as well.

On Monday evening, a mob of around 30 people attacked life guards and security staff at an outdoor pool in Berlin.

When employees reprimanded teenagers for wearing street shoes in the bathing area, bedlam ensued.

Police were called to the scene but most of the assailants had fled.

However, two of the suspects were apprehended — a 16-year-old Lebanese male and a 14-year-old of “unclear nationality,” BILD reports.

Multiple people were injured during the melee, including a 39-year-old “swimming champion.”

On Saturday, security guards and staffers were attacked at the Steinrausch-Bad in Saarlouis, a town on the border of France, after they tried to eject three unruly ‘teens.’

BILD describes the melee as follows:

A security guard holds one of the men, is knocked to the ground by an attacker – the perpetrator took off. A woman runs away screaming. Elsewhere, a security guard is attacked by two youths. A third perpetrator brutally hits a pool employee from behind in the head, so that he almost falls into the water. The perpetrators keep running away, but then repeatedly attack the employees.

At least five people were injured, but authorities only managed to catch one suspect, a 17-year-old ‘Frenchman.’

“They were punched, kicked, and scratched,” explained the local police chief.

Earlier this month, multiple people were seriously injured when groups of ‘Afro-Arab asylum seekers’ engaged in a vicious brawl at a lakeside beach in Germany.

Just days prior, police were called to an aquatic center in Berlin after a brawl broke out between rival groups of ‘teens.’

The week before, a young mother was brutally attacked in front of her children by a mob of ‘youths’ terrorizing patrons at a swimming pool in Enkenbach-Alsenborn.

Infowars has frequently reported on the rise of attacks at swimming pools across Europe, many of which are committed by suspects with migration backgrounds.

Alex Rosen joins Owen Shroyer to address his latest video – already viewed by millions – where he confronts Dr. Peter Hotez about COVID vaccines being given to children.

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