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Bill Gates Funds Scheme to Chop, Bury Trees to Fight “Climate Change”



Bill Gates is funding a scheme to cut down and bury trees to ‘reduce global warming.’

Kodama Systems, with the injection of $6.6 million in seed funding from Gates’ Breakthrough Energy and others, wants to cut down 70 million acres of Western forest over the next decade, according to reports.

After cutting the (mostly Californian) trees, Kodama plans on burying them, allegedly to prevent them from “spewing” carbon back into the air.

The coordinators of the project are choosing to reap the salable carbon offsets by burying the biomass in dry & oxygen-free “earthenvaults” instead of using it for conventional means, like timber for housing.

Bill Gates Spearheads Effort To Chop Down, Bury Trees To Fight Climate Change

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