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JUST-IN: Judge Denies Defendants’ Sanctions Against Kari Lake – Lake to Appeal Dismissed Lawsuit!



Maricopa County Attorney Tom Liddy

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson ruled yesterday on sanctions and attorneys’ fees requested by Defendants in her election lawsuit on remand.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson dismissed Kari Lake’s lawsuit against the stolen 2022 Midterm Election late Monday night, following a three-day trial exposing election misconduct and fraudulent mail-in ballot signature verification.

JUST-IN: Judge Tosses Kari Lake’s Lawsuit After Trial on Fraudulent Signature Verification Shows AT LEAST 274,000 Ballots Were Verified in Less Than 3 Seconds – ORDER INCLUDED

The Gateway Pundit reported that Kari Lake plans to appeal the bogus ruling. Lake said in a recent press conference she will “continue pushing our case to the United States Supreme Court.”

Maricopa County Attorneys then filed for sanctions against Lake to intimidate and discredit Lake and her attorneys again.

Most of the “misrepresentations” alleged by Maricopa County in their latest request related to Lake’s attorneys’ Motion for Relief from Judgement prior to trial and asking the Court to vacate its dismissal of Counts II, V, and VI. Only one point was made alleging that Lake’s signature verification fraud claim was “frivolous,” where Maricopa County claimed that Lake’s whistleblowers “confirmed that signature verification occurred.”

They did not even mention the claim by Lake’s attorneys that approximately 274,000 ballot signatures were compared and verified in less than three seconds because it is true! Maricopa County’s own log file data proves this, and they know it.

JUST-IN: Maricopa County Attorneys Seek More Bogus Sanctions Against Kari Lake – Do NOT Cite Claim of 274,000 Ballot Signatures Approved in LESS THAN 3 Seconds Each

The Judge ruled that “even if her argument did not prevail, Lake, through her witness, presented facts consistent with and in support of her legal argument,” and sanctions are not warranted.

This was a good save by Thompson, who is loathed by the voters of Arizona for his repeated weakness in Kari Lake’s case.

Kari Lake War Room tweeted, “The Judge has DENIED requests by Maricopa County & Katie Hobbs for sanctions against @KariLake. We knew the Fake News narrative would collapse. Now it has. Kari Lake will NEVER stop fighting to restore election integrity to the people of Arizona!”

Read the full-minute entry below:

05/26/2023 Thompson Minute Entry by Jordan Conradson on Scribd

The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on Kari Lake’s historic lawsuit and the coming appeal.

Read the full article here
