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Florida Attorney Files Challenge to Disqualify Trump From 2024 Race



A Florida attorney is challenging former President Donald Trump’s eligibility for the presidency in 2024, citing the January 6 “insurrection” to invoke 14th Amendment of the Constitution.

Palm Beach County tax attorney Lawrence Caplan filed a challenge in federal court on Thursday citing Section 3 of the 14th Amendment which states that anyone who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” cannot run for office.

“The bottom line here is that President Trump both engaged in an insurrection and also gave aid and comfort to other individuals who were engaging in such actions, within the clear meaning of those terms as defined in Section Three of the 14th Amendment,” Caplan wrote in the filing.

“Assuming that the public record to date is accurate, and we have no evidence to the contrary, Trump is no longer eligible to seek the office of the President of the United States, or of any other state of the Union.”

Caplan also claimed he filed the challenge because Trump’s reelection in 2024 would mean America would be “on the way to fascism.”

“This is a scary, scary guy, and if he’s president, I think we’re all on the way to fascism,” he told The Hill. “There’s no law that says we have to remain a democracy forever.”

“The common sense of it is that the law says that someone who’s indicted for causing an insurrection is automatically ineligible to run for federal office,” Caplan added.

This comes as New Hampshire Secretary of State likewise announced Friday he would look into whether Trump could be disqualified from the ballot in 2024 under the 14th Amendment.

“Secretary Scanlan will be conferring with the New Hampshire Attorney General and other legal counsel on this issue; however, he believes any action taken under this Constitutional provision will have to be based on Judicial guidance,” Scanlan’s communications director Anna Sventek said Friday.

As Infowars reported, legal groups with the help of the mainstream media have begun calling on lawmakers to leverage the 14th Amendment to get Trump kicked off the ballot in 2024 in the wake of his exploding popularity following four Deep State indictments.

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