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Biden Seeking to Fund New Covid Vaccine That Will Be ‘Recommended’ To Everyone Regardless of Vax Status!



The Biden administration is seeking congressional approval to fund work on a new Covid vaccine that will then be recommended to everyone across the board regardless of vax status.

Puppet President Joe Biden unveiled the renewed effort to develop a vaccine “that works” when asked by a reporter during a vacation in Lake Tahoe to comment on the “uptick of Covid cases and new variant.”

“I signed off this morning on a proposal to present to the Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary that works,” Biden responded.

He went on to add his administration will then urge all Americans to take the vax, likely meaning the federal government will use taxpayer dollars to launch another insufferable multi-pronged pro-vax propaganda campaign.

“Tentatively – I’ve not decided finally yet – tentatively, it will be recommended…it will likely be recommended that everyone get it, no matter what they’ve had before.”

Biden’s pronouncement, which could precipitate the imposition of future mask orders, lockdowns or vaccine mandates, as predicted by Infowars host Alex Jones, was condemned on social media.

Biden’s announcement comes as Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb told CBS’ Face the Nation last Sunday the company is already developing a vaccine for the emerging EG.5 Covid strain, “Eris” that’s on-track to hit the market mid-September.

A perfect storm of emergency situations appears to be unfolding (amid another election cycle) which could serve as the catalyst to bring back the dreaded lockdowns, face masks, and jab mandates – the exact problem-reaction-solution situation Alex Jones has been warning about.

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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Read the full article here
