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Pot, porn, and Planned Parenthood



Laura Ingraham managed to boil down the Democrat Party platform into three little words: pot, porn, and Planned Parenthood.

It’s a bit simplistic, I admit. I would probably throw in a bit more bits of degeneracy, but it captures something essential about the fundamental message of the Left: living a hedonistic, consequence-free lifestyle is the highest good.

If it feels good, do it.

The funny thing about her alliterative description of the Democrats’ philosophy is how readily so many Democrats agreed with her.

“Yep, sounds about right.”

Gisele Fetterman, for instance, chimed in:

There is a surface attraction to the idea, actually, which is why so many people embraced it online and are joking that if the Democrats actually ran on that platform they would run away with the election. And, perhaps, they would.

The problem is that, like communism, what sounds good in theory would lead to a society where nothing gets done, onanism and self-indulgence are the order of the day, and everything eventually collapses. Sitting around in the dark with meager amounts of food, none of the comforts of modern life, and degenerates walking around stoned is pretty much Portland or San Francisco.

It all sounds nice until you see it in front of you. Then it makes you sick and sad for the world.

Now I have no problem in principle with people occasionally indulging in vices. I know plenty of people who like a toke every now and then, and of course alcohol is a powerful social lubricant. My libertarian view of porn has been tempered by seeing the effects of porn dependency and the ever-greater extremism of the porn addicted. And Planned Parenthood, which in my youth seemed to be a liberating organization, has turned out to be an agent of degeneracy and murder.

This slogan which I suspect you will hear a lot and in an approving tone from many–Ingraham will be laughed at as a prude and a killjoy–is a formula for social decline. Societies that move in this direction–like imperial Rome–decline and die off. What made them great made them rich, and once they became rich they became weak and soft. Weak and soft societies decline and die. Europe spent a thousand or more years recovering from Rome’s descent into degeneracy.

One of the key lessons we have learned over time is that human beings are barbarians without the civilizing force of self-control. Few of us look at a basement-dwelling pothead cruising PornHub and think “I wish everyone were like that.”

Gisele Fetterman and her ilk? Apparently, they do.

Read the full article here
