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California Democrats Want to Give Unemployment Benefits to Hollywood Strikers



Democrats in California are preparing to propose the idea of extending unemployment benefits to workers who are on strike. Obviously, this is being motivated mainly by the Hollywood actors and writers who are on strike.

Normally, benefits of this kind would only go to workers who have been let go by their employers.

This is nothing more than Democrats trying to throw a lifeline to people who they know are part of their core voters. It’s also worth noting that California’s unemployment insurance program is already broke.

FOX News reports:

Blue state Democrats propose handing out unemployment benefits to workers on strike

A group of California Democrats are expected to propose handing out unemployment benefits to striking workers.

Language expected to be released in the coming days or weeks to provide striking workers with benefits from California’s unemployment insurance program that is $18 billion in debt. The move comes amid historic strikes by both screenwriters and actors, forcing many movies and TV shows to halt production.

“It would allow individuals on strike who are not looking for work and were not let go through no fault of their own to claim unemployment insurance as if they were truly unemployed,” California Chamber of Commerce Policy Advocate Rob Moutrie, who opposes the legislation, told Fox News.

“Striking people are not the same as people who truly have been let go and have no idea where their next paycheck will come from,” Moutrie added. “But someone on strike knows where their job is.”

The strikers may be out of luck on this.

Hollywood as we know it is imploding before our eyes. Does anyone care?

Read the full article here
