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South African High Court Rules “Secret” Covid Vaxx Contracts Between Govt & Big Pharma Must Be Made Public



A document released Thursday by South Africa’s North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria shows a judge has ordered the “secret” Covid-19 “vaccine” contracts between the nation’s government and Big Pharma companies be made public.

Following the ruling, South Africa’s National Department of Health has a 10-day window to release the documents detailing the contracts.

A group called the Health Justice Initiative requested the documents be made public so there can be oversight regarding the legality and taxpayer cost of the secret contracts.

Many people assume the government likely paid excess prices for the experimental jabs due to the panicked nature of elected officials during the pandemic.

According to the court documents, Judge Anthony Millar said the respondents’ reasoning for keeping the documents from the public didn’t stand legal scrutiny, citing the obvious need for transparency to the people of South Africa regarding the vaccine rollout.

“The grounds advanced by the HJI for public interest were that the department admits it bound itself to confidentiality clauses which are at odds with its constitutional obligations, that media reports suggest the department procured vaccines at differential and inflated prices, and on unreasonable and unenforceable terms,” Judge Millar said.

The government will have to hand over all communications related to any vaccine manufacturer or licensee, such as Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Aspen Pharmacare, Sinovac, and the Seum Institute of India, as well as bodies including Gavi/Covax, the African Union Vaccine Access Task Team, and The Solidarity Fund.

It was reported earlier this year that US drugmaker Pfizer attempted to “bully” government officials in India so they’d grant the company indemnity from legal action when it came to the Covid-19 vaccine.

India’s Electronics and Technology Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar made the claim in January after India refused to grant any vaccine manufacturer protection from claims linked to vaccine side effects.

Both Pfizer and Moderna refused to ship mRNA-based Covid shots to India because the government was cautious of being on the hook for vaccine injuries and wouldn’t accept an indemnity clause for the companies.

Perhaps South African officials were “bullied” into pushing the experimental jabs on their population, and it’s also possible they gave the companies immunity from being sued by victims of the clot shots.

Back in August 2020, Reuters talked with a senior executive from AstraZeneca who admitted Big Pharma intentionally set up their contracts so they would not be held accountable for adverse side effects related to the experimental mRNA technology.

“This is a unique situation where we as a company simply cannot take the risk if in… four years the vaccine is showing side effects. In the contracts we have in place, we are asking for indemnification. For most countries, it is acceptable to take that risk on their shoulders because it is in their national interest,” said Ruud Dobber, a top exec at AstraZeneca.

Globalist minions within governments around the world knew there was extreme risk in the experimental jabs and so did the pharmaceutical companies that rushed them into the arms of the masses after hardly any testing.

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