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Comer to NARA: Turn over all your Biden comms — as “Robert L. Peters”



Call this the Pierre Delecto Twist in the Case of the Influence-Peddling Bidens. Where Mitt Romney adopted a nom de plume for social-media sock puppetry, Joe Biden apparently put his pseudonym to a more, ah, commercial use. Or so says House Oversight chair James Comer, who alleges that Biden used the name “Robert L. Peters” as a way to hide his involvement in Hunter Biden’s Ukraine affairs.

This morning, Comer told the National Archives to dig deep to produce all such communications under that name and to remove the redactions (via Twitchy):

The Committee seeks unrestricted special access under the PRA to Case Number 2023-0022-F, entitled “Email Messages To and/or From Vice President Biden and Hunter Biden related to Burisma and Ukraine,” which has been published on NARA’s website. These records have been redacted for public release pursuant to the PRA and FOIA. For example, an email bearing the subject “Friday Schedule Card,” is withheld in part under a “P6” and “b(6)” restrictions, denoting personal information regarding the subject under the PRA and FOIA respectively. Attached to this email, and made available on the NARA website, is a document that indicates on 9:00 a.m. on May 27, 2016, Vice President Biden took a call with the president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko. It is concerning to the Committee, however, that this document was sent to “Robert L. Peters”—a pseudonym the Committee has identified as then Vice-President Biden. Additionally, the Committee questions why the then-Vice President’s son, Hunter Biden—and only Hunter Biden—was copied on this email to then-Vice President Biden.

To further our investigation, the Committee needs to review these documents in their original format. The Committee also requests access to certain other documents and information described below. Please provide these documents no later than August 31, 2023:

  1. Complete, unredacted versions of all documents from Case Number 2023-0022-F;
  2. Any document or communication in which a pseudonym for Vice President Joe Biden was included either as a sender, recipient, copied or was included in the contents of the document or communication, including but not limited to Robert Peters, Robin Ware, and JRB Ware;
  3. Any document or communication in which Hunter Biden, Eric Schwerin, or Devon Archer was included either as a sender, recipient, copied, or was included in the contents of the document or communication; and
  4. All drafts from November 1, 2015 to December 9, 2015 of then-Vice President Biden’s speech delivered to the Ukrainian Rada on December 9, 2015.

“Robert L. Peters”? I suppose “I.M. Celtic” would have been too on the nose.

Assuming that Comer has evidence of this pseudonym being Joe Biden’s, the committee now knows what they want from NARA. Points 2 and 4 particularly look dangerous for Biden, and the specificity in Point 4 especially so. One has to wonder what information Devon Archer passed along in this regard.

Comer issued an accompanying statement that makes the argument that the corruption in the Obama years was significant and detrimental to the US. This one incident certainly would refute Joe Biden’s claim of a “wall” existing between Hunter’s businesses and his duties as VP, at least:

“Joe Biden has stated there was ‘an absolute wall’ between his family’s foreign business schemes and his duties as Vice President, but evidence reveals that access was wide open for his family’s influence peddling. We already have evidence of then-Vice President Biden speaking, dining, and having coffee with his son’s foreign business associates. We also know that Hunter Biden and his associates were informed of then-Vice President Biden’s official government duties in countries where they had a financial interest. The National Archives must provide these unredacted records to further our investigation into the Biden family’s corruption,” said Chairman Comer.

In August 2019, then-presidential candidate Joe Biden stated that when he was Vice President there was “an absolute wall between the personal and private, and the government” and “that is why I have never talked with my son or my brother, or anyone else in the distant family about their business interests, period.” Witness testimony reveals then-President Biden spoke on speakerphone with his son’s foreign business associates over 20 times, dined with corrupt foreign oligarchs in Washington, D.C., and met with his son’s Chinese business associate for coffee in Beijing. Emails in NARA’s custody also reveal how Hunter Biden and his associates were copied on official government email.

Worth noting: Comer links specifically to Archer’s testimony (through a press release) for corroboration on Joe Biden’s involvement during his VP years with Hunter’s clients. Nowhere in the transcript, however, does Archer discuss “Robert L. Peters,” or a pseudonym for anyone. In fact, at one point Archer told the committee in his deposition that he was unable to personally authenticate any emails and that he didn’t have a computer at present. Either Archer supplied the pseudonym in an off-the-record exchange, or someone else tipped off the committee about it.

Either way, Joe enforced the purported “wall” between himself and Biden Inc as well as he enforces the southern border now, or so Comer argues. We’ll see what NARA turns up in response to this demand, but I’d bet dollars to donuts that Biden Inc has started desperately looking for a Robert L. Peters that they can claim was the real recipient of these e-mails. If that’s your name, send your resumé to:

Hunter Biden
c/o The Big Guy
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Read the full article here
