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A modest proposal



New York Mayor Eric Adams has declared a State of Emergency over the influx of illegal immigrants who have flooded his city.

Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey has similarly declared a State of Emergency, begging residents of her state to invite migrants into their homes in order to provide shelter for the (only) 20,000 migrants who have arrived in recent months.

Both have also been strong proponents of sanctuary policies and proudly promoted their commitment to open borders.

The illegal immigration crisis that has turned politics upside-down has one and only one cause, and that is Joe Biden’s policies which have created the flood of illegal migrants into the United States. This is a 100% Democrat policy, supported by most Democrats, and these Democrats have used Republican opposition to open borders as a political cudgel to paint us as xenophobic meanies.

Due to the geography of the country, the victims of the immigration crisis have largely been Republicans, most of whom oppose sanctuary policies. Democrats, on the other hand, have been strong proponents of open borders and sanctuary policies without having to deal with any of the costs associated with their fake compassion.

Today I propose a compromise that I sincerely hope makes everybody happy, or failing that finally gets everybody on the same page.

Starting immediately the Biden Administration should simply transport every illegal alien entering the country and turning themselves in to ICE to a sanctuary city or state where the governor has stated that illegal immigrants are welcome.

That’s it. No federal funding. No imposing burdens on citizens who have made clear their opposition to federal open borders efforts. Illegal aliens get to live where they are welcomed with open arms and are not imposed on communities that oppose the influx of illegals.

This isn’t complicated, and it is based upon the expressed preferences of voters, making it highly democratic.

Any city or state which thinks the arrangement is unfair need only do one thing to avoid the costs of their choice: repeal any sanctuary designation and express their opposition to feeding and housing more migrants. Once they do this the flood will stop and the feds will simply ship the new migrants to other, more welcoming locations.

To those who might claim that this would impose undue costs on the sanctuary cities, I ask: “What is undue?” You wanted this, others didn’t. Why should you be able to impose costs on border towns facing daily or weekly influxes that match Northern cities’ yearly burden?”

Sanctuaries will demand federal assistance in dealing with the influx, but that seems churlish to me. After all, these communities have expressed their desire to help migrants and really should be expected to follow through with the offer. Texas, after all, has made clear that it has had enough, while New York still claims to be a sanctuary.

Well, then, be a sanctuary. Embrace your compassionate impulses. It isn’t charity if you are spending other people’s money. If you want to signal your virtue, then be virtuous.

Some might say that if we followed a simple policy like this then within a short period of time there would be no place left to ship illegal aliens, as city after city and state after state rescinds the offer of sanctuary.

Perhaps. Almost certainly, in fact. Because the whole “sanctuary” movement is and always has been a charade. They never meant a word of it. They wanted to offer up Republican areas as the true sanctuaries, not offer sanctuary themselves.

Sanctuary policies have always been empty words. Now let’s see some revealed preferences by asking: are you willing to pay for it, or have you been liars all along?

Who could object to this modest proposal?

Read the full article here
