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Ransom: We’re trading $6B in frozen oil money plus jailed Iranians for 5 American prisoners



But the Americans aren’t exactly “free” like we think “free” yet. It’s more the Iranians’ version of stringing the deal out.

I can’t imagine what could possibly go wrong, could you? The Iranians are so above board and Biden’s no patsy.

He’s more a patty fingers.

The United States and Iran have reached an agreement to win the freedom of five imprisoned Americans in exchange for several jailed Iranians and eventual access to about $6 billion in Iranian oil revenue, according to several people familiar with the deal.

As a first step in the agreement, which comes after more than two years of quiet negotiations, Iran has released into house arrest five Iranian American dual citizens, according to officials at the State Department and the National Security Council.

“We have received confirmation that Iran has released from prison five Americans who were unjustly detained,” said Adrienne Watson, the National Security Council spokeswoman. She said the Americans “should have never been detained in the first place. We will continue to monitor their condition as closely as possible.”

She added: “Negotiations for their eventual release remain ongoing and are delicate.”

I can’t imagine that Iran would renege on any part of letting these people return to the U.S. – I’m sure their intentions are pure. I’m also sure if my fate was hanging by a thread, having Joe Biden in the White House and his idiots doing the negotiating would give me the heart attack that being in an Iranian prison never did.

$6B is pretty pricey hotel accommodations, even by Biden standards.

And our friend Andrew Malcolm has a question, as well:

Funny about the amount Biden’s paying per head, too. He would have had more to hand over if he hadn’t already let some lucre slip through his fingers to the regime.

Wags are already calling it “Iran’s second military budget.” That’s awesome, just awesome. Whatever little trinkets they need to finish up that bomb they’re working on should be much easier to pay for now, too.

…A key part of the agreement has been the Biden administration’s willingness to transfer the billions in oil revenue held in South Korea.

The release of the Iranian funds is likely to be contentious in the United States. Republicans have repeatedly condemned the idea of allowing Iran to have direct access to its frozen financial assets, which could end up in the hands of its elite military force, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, and be used to fund and arm militants across the Middle East.

Biden’s team will take the Iranian pinkie swear.

It’s also another cruel American blow to the Iranian people, who keep courageously rising up, looking to us…and squash. Obama or his toadies leaving them, literally, hanging. Why would anyone look to us ofr anything?

So this leaves me wondering why we’re bringing U.S. naval vessels into the Strait of Hormuz and potentially putting armed Marines onboard ships flagged by other countries when all this is going down. You know these weak sisters aren’t going to allow any harsh language about the Iranians, less mind an international incident to occur and screw up the expensive homecoming parade they have planned.

I keep wanting to say I cannot believe how Biden will sell this country out behind our backs in a heartbeat. But when word comes breaks, and he’s done it again, I CAN believe it.

And it makes me so damn sick to my stomach.

Can’t wait to see what this does to the price list for American hostage shopping now.

Read the full article here
