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FBI agent caught lying under oath about Hunter’s laptop



By this point, Joe Biden must be wishing that he’d never even heard of his son Hunter’s Laptop From Hell. (At least in his more lucid moments, anyway.) The hard drive from the abandoned device has delivered one body blow after another to the Biden clan and provided details that the House Oversight Committee has been able to use to “follow the money” and the politicized actions of various federal agencies. Another example of the latter came to light this week with the discovery that previous testimony given under oath by an FBI agent regarding the original laptop story has been directly contradicted by internal documents from Facebook. Special Agent Elvis Chan – a name you likely remember from the Twitter Files – had testified that he barely knew about the laptop story so he couldn’t have been involved. But the records tell a different tale. (NY Post)

A San Francisco-based FBI special agent lied under oath about discussions he had with big tech companies that suppressed The Post’s reporting on the contents of first son Hunter Biden’s laptop hard drive before the 2020 election, according to an internal Facebook document.

Elvis Chan made false statements about his communications with Facebook over the bombshell October 2020 reports that revealed Hunter involved his dad Joe in business deals with foreign nationals, internal communications obtained by the House Judiciary Committee show.

A Facebook employee said in an Oct. 15, 2020, message that he had spoken with Chan, with the agent said he was “up to speed” on the FBI’s probe of Hunter’s laptop and “that there was no current evidence to suggest any foreign connection or direction of the leak.”

Keep in mind that this particular episode of the saga isn’t directly related to Biden Inc. and all of the shady dealings between Joe and Hunter Biden and his foreign business “clients.” Chan’s testimony was part of the investigation into whether or not the federal government was colluding with the Big Tech platforms to censor people’s speech in the run-up to the 2020 elections.

Specifically, the testimony involved the FBI originally telling Facebook to be on the lookout for a Russian disinformation campaign that might involve Hunter Biden. Then, when the New York Post broke the story, the FBI declined to comment on whether the laptop was “real.” But the laptop had been in their possession since at least 2019 and they had verified its authenticity long before all of this happened.

As to Elvis Chan’s role in all of this, he told the House Oversight Committee (under oath) that he had “no internal knowledge of that investigation” (into the laptop) and that he’d never spoken to anyone at Facebook except during one conference call with the FBI’s task force. Now, however, we have records from Facebook showing that Chan spoke to one employee by phone where he assured the employee that he was “up to speed” on the probe into Hunter’s laptop. He also admitted during that call that there was “no current evidence” to suggest it may have been connected to Russia.

That’s “a Bozo no-no” as we used to say back in the day. Lying to Congress under oath constitutes a little thing known as perjury, and it can land you in the crowbar hotel for up to five years. But that would require someone pressing forward with formal charges and how likely is that at the moment? Either way, even if justice is delayed, this ongoing investigation continues to add to a building mountain of evidence that the FBI has been acting in a biased, corrupt fashion and sought to interfere in our elections. The people in charge must be held accountable for all of this, as well as some of the lower-level players like Elvis Chan.

Read the full article here
